November 1, 2011

Great seeing you all in Tulsa!

Hey there NACA Central!

Hope you all returned safe and sound from Tulsa and had a mighty enjoyable trip! I had a great time meeting (or seeing again) all of you as well! You "Central-ites" rule!! WOOHOO!!!

Anyway, I will be sending you all some info regarding my two interactive programs, but feel free to look up some additional info and video here. Keep in mind that the Joey Edmonds Presents Package Deal is in effect with my programs (where I open the program with my game show, and one of our highly talented comics--such as Lauren Ashley Bishop or Nicholas Anthony--headlines. And you save up to $800 by getting essentially a 2 for 1 and-a-half deal!!)

Have a great rest of the semester everybody! And I will see you, University of Tulsa, soon!! Get ready to win money!
Be happy, be safe, be you~

November 1, 2010

Pleasure seeing you all!

Hello everybody!

I just would like to say that it has been a pleasure meeting/seeing you all in St. Louis in February! (And some of you I saw in Chicago as well) You all make the conferences (and shows of course) a ton of fun for me to attend! I hope you made it worth your while too!

Just wanted to remind you that my agency and I appreciate the interest you have taken in either my Comedy Variety Game Show and LoveG.E.A.R.S. programs (the latter of which I performed on Sunday morning in St. Louis at 9 AM. You woke up and made the show, right?) I am looking forward to seeing you at your school one day soon! Spring is (already!) almost upon us, and if you need to finish off with a bang, check out my game's a heck of a way to bring excitement to the end of a semester! And of course, the next school year is within striking distance, and I'm sure you'll have orientation presentations to set up (for which both of my shows are well-suited)! The Variety Game Show is a perfect ice-breaker, and LoveG.E.A.R.S. is a fantastic way to help new students create a healthy basis for their new collegiate relationships!

Thanks for your time and attention! I'll catch up with you soon!

~Grant "LoveGEARS Guy" Edmonds

August 2, 2010

A new year upon us! Woohoo!!!

Hello one and all!  All of you currently involved in student activities, student governments, or just those of you who are curious...welcome back to the site of Grant!  As I start my 8th year of touring my game show, and my 5th year of performing LoveG.E.A.R.S., I find that I am more excited than ever to see all of your happy faces!  And therefore, I am more motivated than ever to help you all have the most fun you've ever had at an interactive performance!

You guys are the reason I'm here, doing what I love.  I loved college when I went there as a student, and I still love it as a performer.  There's nothing like that time in your life...when ideals and optimism and the willingness to learn overshadows the common everyday cynicism and boring routine found in so many other facets of existence.    And that collegiate mentality and attitude I try to stick to...for you guys, and for myself, because I believe that is a healthier way to live.   My shows are a reflection of that attitude...I strive to provide a positive, stimulating experience where the audience has a ton of fun, and learns a lot about themselves along the way.  Every person is unique, special, and gifted in their own ways, and I enjoy illuminating that during  my shows.  I stress the importance of independent thinking, and seeing the value of YOU!   This stuff isn't just important during the hour+ I perform, or just important for your college career, but these lessons  influence every day of the rest of your life.  After all, if you know yourself, and know how to have fun in any situation, your life will be a happy productive one!  Who wouldn't want that?

And hence, that's why I do what I do...

But blah, blah,

I hope you have a great school year, and hope you enjoy perusing my pages.  Check out my vids, read my "articles", check out my schedule...whatever floats your boat.  Hope to see you soon at a campus or conference near you!

Be happy, be healthy, be you!~G

March 12, 2009

Grant's "Unobstructed" on the radio!

Yours truly was interviewed on March 7th on the radio show "Unobstructed" featuring host Alaina Alexander!   Topics such as Grant's new book, his LoveG.E.A.R.S. relationship show, and his incentive for getting into this biz in the first place are elaborated upon in the interview.  You may go to and look the interview up in the archives, or you can simply find  the link in "Latest News" in the left hand column here and find the "Unobstructed" news item and just click on that!

Voila!  A half-hour of Grant goodness!  Enjoy!

October 28, 2008

"LoveG.E.A.R.S.: A Relationship Tool Book" Is Out!

The year-long endeavor is finally complete. LoveG.E.A.R.S.: A Relationship Tool Book has been written, revised, edited, and written some more...and IS NOW COMPLETE AND AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE! The book, which ties in with Grant's interactive relationship show "LoveG.E.A.R.S." discusses keys to personal and interpersonal happiness, and helps the reader use his/her tools to the utmost in any personal relationships. Everything from knowing the most efficient way to avoid arguments, to knowing what exactly you can't live without with your lover, to just realizing that men are "dumb" and women are "crazy" is covered. It is written in a very open, conversational style, with a dose of humor on the side.

You can find out how to be happy, how to better communicate, and even find out if you have the right partner in the first place on AMAZON.COM and ONLY ""! Type in "Grant Edmonds" and the first entry will be the book. Check it out, and if you're feeling really kind, write a review! (After you read it of course, unless you know you're going to hate it, then write a nice one before prior to reading... ;) )

BTW, AFTER EVERY LIVE SHOW, GRANT SELLS HIS BOOK FOR $5 CHEAPER THAN YOU CAN GET ON AMAZON! You can have a personally addressed and signed copy!(Just something to remember if he's coming to your town...)

And yes, "The Collingswood Story" horror movie DVD listed up there does star yours truly...a long time ago in a land far far away...but you'll get way more out of my just read that...and enjoy!